Monique Marks

What makes you the Featured Fan? At 16 years old, trying to find who out you REALLY are is pretty tough. There are always people trying to influence you to do or be something that you're not, and it's easy to get caught up in the wrong crowd. I joined a couple of sport teams as a Freshman and Sophomore but didn't like what I found. Even though I loved the games, most of the teams at my school were just big cliques and I didn't want to be a part of that. I was looking for a sport that had a great community that could help me find positive friends and amazing inspiration. Then finally, I found rock climbing. The world of rock climbing took my life by storm and I've loved every minute of it. Each session is a total body workout, which has challenged me to become a better athlete in every aspect. Now, I'm proud to say that I've never been beaten in a pull-up or push-up contest and that I've shamed multiple football players at arm wrestling. It's also led me to some amazing people that I love to be around, and encouraged me to be MY best, which is the total opposite of what I found on my high school teams. So because of rock climbing, I now have a sport that I love, friends that inspire me to be great, and a body that I believe can do anything.
Which PROMAX bar do you like best? I can't settle with just one, but I love PROMAX Chocolate Peanut Crunch and PROMAX LS Salted Caramel!
Why is fitness and nutrition important to you? Fitness and nutrition are important to me because I want to be able to go out and do amazing things with my life. I've seen some of my friends get into drugs and completely destroy themselves. They're sick all of the time, they can't do anything active, they look terrible, and the only thing that matters to them is their addiction. I've hated seeing great people turn into total wrecks, and I don't want that to ever happen to me. I want to take care of myself and be healthy so that I can live a long life that's full of fun and amazing adventures.
What is one unique thing about you? I have three older brothers who've been toughening me up since I was small. We would all wrestle, play street hockey and rugby together, and get into trouble at any chance we got.
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