We are all DOers, juggling family, career, social and personal obligations. For many of us, time is the #1 obstacle to getting fit, practicing good nutrition habits and living a healthy lifestyle.
Trust me I get it! I have an extremely busy lifestyle too. I start my day at 5 am and typically my head does not hit the pillow until around 11 pm during the week. However, I do get my workouts in almost every day.
So how do I do that? How can you overcome the obstacle of time? You do so by practicing three of the Power Tools of life. They are prioritizing, planning, and structuring your life. These are 3 vital components to living a healthy lifestyle.
Prioritize your life.
If your overall health or your fitness condition and nutrition habits are not one of the top five priorities in your life, then you need to rethink your life.... plain and simple. You cannot take care of others if you are not taking care of yourself. You cannot make others happy if you are not happy. You cannot spend quality time with friends and family if you are sick or worse.... 6 feet under!Plan ahead.
Schedule your week, your workouts, shopping, and meals prior to the beginning of each week. That's right! Schedule your exercise sessions and meals ahead of time. It doesn't matter if you exercise at home, a gym or at a park... schedule it in advance. Planyourshoppingdaysandmealsinadvance. I know life happens and you will not always be able to get workouts in as planned. Flexibility is also an important key to living a less stressful life. However, you will be more apt to get your exercise sessions in and eat healthier meals if they are both scheduled into your week.
Structure your days, weeks, and months.
To incorporate a healthy lifestyle, which includes consistent exercise and eating properly into your life, you need to create a structure. Structuring your life creates balance and reduces the stress from always feeling like you are behind or not getting everything done quickly enough.
Practicing these three vital components will help even the ultimate DOer live a healthier more balanced, stress-free life. After all, isn't that what a healthy lifestyle is all about?
By Michael George
Michael George is an internationally recognized author, lifestyle coach and fitness expert transforming the health and fitness field with his innovative training philosophies and motivational voice.