Travel Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Finding ways to work out while traveling can be difficult- but here are five workouts you can do in a short amount of time, that don't require equipment, meaning they are perfect for traveling or doing anywhere!

High Intensity Interval Training:
Focuses on short periods of all-out work follow by short periods of active rest. This makes the body work harder than it does during steady-state cardio. Some great examples: Tuck Jump, Lunges, Squat Jumps, Mountain Climber, Burpees, Sprints, and Planks.

While you can do Pilates with a reformer or props, you can also do it with just your body weight. It can be just as effective using only your weight and is another great program you can do anywhere. Popular moves to try: Bridges, Leg lifts, T-Press, toe taps, Arm Circles, and push ups.

Circuit Training:
You can put together your favorite circuit to get your heart rate up, burn fat and get a good workout in 30 mins or less. Set up 2 circuits that you do for 10 mins each with a warm up and cool down of 5 mins of each for a great 30 min workout. Remember circuit training is all about no rest in between exercises. Choose exercises such as high knees, lunges, push ups, squats, and planks.

Go for a run:
Most hotels have a treadmill but you can also take to the streets using one of the million running apps that are available and find a trail near you. It's a great way to get a cardio workout and see the sites of wherever you are visiting.

While yoga is normally done on a mat, it can also be done on carpet or any soft surface. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, yoga is great to improve your flexibility and muscle strength. Some great moves to add to your next workout: Cobra pose, warrior pose, downward dog, airplane pose, one legged prayer, and childs pose.

Finding quick and simple workouts that you can do anywhere including on the road are the perfect way to stay on target with your health and fitness goals. Sources:

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