Why the Combination of Carbs + Protein Is Essential

A good diet that allows you to lose weight relies heavily on striking a balance. This means you need to find the right amount of carbs and protein to support your metabolism. Luckily, it is not hard to do this, since you can add nutrition bars, vitamins, and healthy meals to your day to be successful in gaining muscle and losing weight.

Getting the right amount of protein is essential for the growth of muscle, hair, skin, and bones. Your body cannot store the protein that comes from foods, so you have to make sure you are eating enough of it each day. When you add protein to your diet, make sure it falls under the complete protein category. This includes poultry, fish, red meat, and milk. Some plants offer incomplete proteins, which are still helpful. For the best results, you should eat a variety of high protein foods throughout the day.

Fiber, sugars, and starch are all considered different kinds of carbohydrates. Carbs provide energy to the body and are essential to your health. The body converts complex carbs into simple carbs in the form of glucose, to fuel your brain and muscles. Most foods contain some kind of simple or complex carb. You can find carbs in milk, honey, fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. For the best results, avoid processed foods and get your carbs from fresh, whole foods. Protein and carbohydrates work together to keep your body healthy and functioning. The carbs you eat give you energy, while the protein builds muscles, skin, and hair. Both are needed in order to stabilize blood sugar and are best when eaten together. Simply put, without carbs, your body would not be able to function.

In addition, without protein, you could not build muscle or grow skin and hair. They are equally essential! This is why it is important to eat a combination of protein and carbs, especially around your workouts. Eating a good balance of both protein and carbs allows you to build muscle faster, which means you will burn more calories while active and at rest. This, in turn, helps you to lose weight and speed up your metabolism.

The more active you are, the more important your daily nutrition is. It's important to eat the right foods, nutrients and calories to support your fitness goals. When you focus on your health, you must make sure you eat the right foods. To get your daily serving of carbs, you must consume 3 to 8 servings of whole grains, 2 cups of fruit, and 2 1/2 cups of vegetables. To get enough protein, you must eat several servings of complete proteins per day. Great sources of protein are: low fat dairy, chicken, turkey, fish, lean red meat, eggs and egg whites, isolated protein powders, tofu, tempeh, nutrition bars and isolated vegetable protein powders.

A well-balanced meal should offer a decent amount of protein and complex carbs. The easiest way to do this is to eat meals that include a lean protein, lots of vegetables, a small serving of grains, and a dash of healthy fat. Meals using this combination will retrain the body to start burning off fat and keep you energized.

For more information on how our delicious bars can help you maintain proper nutrition, contact us at Promax Nutrition. 

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